Where to find energy in the future?

In the current discussion about electric cars, some people start to claim that the high demands for electricity caused by a future of electric mobility can only be fulfilled using nuclear power... Personally I can't disagree more!
But what are the alternatives? is there a truly sustainable way of generating energy? What's best for us? What's best for the environment?
This thread shall be the room for an open discussion what could be the best way of generating and also storing energy in the future.
Looking forward to some interesting discussions!

Interesting and though topic.
In my opinion there isn´t a best way, i would go for an mixture with a main focus on solar power. I am not a big fan of the big wind parks in the sea because nobody knows how this influence the nature and animals. Solar power should be much more easy to use and dont effect the nature that much. For sure there are other options how to generate energy in a sustainableway but the most cheap and easiest way would be solar power i guess. The world has enough space for big solar parks (e.g. the deserts) or everyones roof.
The other question is, how to save all that energy, well there have to be much more research because nobody (or not many) speaks about that. A battery is highly toxic and not easy to dispose in a sustainable way. I know there is some research in how to save energy in a sustainable way but i didnt see a solution yet.

I want to add to the already mentioned “everyone’s roof” that decentralized energy supply offers many advantages. Especially the local need of energy for the example of electric vehicles in cities. In urban areas, space is very limited, and it is not possible to build large plants. Where there is space, the electricity would have to be transported over long distances at great expense. Of course, the technologies for this still have to be widely applicable and attractively priced. But a lot is happening here at the moment, so adequate solutions can be expected in the near future.
Next o this is a sustainable image more and more important and the trend is increasing.