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Financing and Insuring new mobility concepts

3 Replies
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Martin Schloesser
Replies: 8
Topic starter

I found an interesting study on this subject. I think its a very interesting topic, because now you can already see a change towards leasing, sharing etc. (accessed 07th April 2020)

Replied : 07/04/2020 12:34 am
Joerg Niemann
Replies: 5
Posted by: @m-schloesser

I found an interesting study on this subject. I think its a very interesting topic, because now you can already see a change towards leasing, sharing etc. (accessed 07th April 2020)

Very interesting article. Indeed the sharing economy approach in Germany has increased in this area. 

There is another offer from VOLVO available: A car that you cannot buy anymore. You can only start a subscription for the model. The subscription covers ALL cost (so it is an Extended model compared to Leasing) 


Replied : 08/04/2020 7:56 am
Martin Schloesser
Replies: 8
Topic starter
Posted by: @niemann99
Posted by: @m-schloesser

I found an interesting study on this subject. I think its a very interesting topic, because now you can already see a change towards leasing, sharing etc. (accessed 07th April 2020)

Very interesting article. Indeed the sharing economy approach in Germany has increased in this area. 

There is another offer from VOLVO available: A car that you cannot buy anymore. You can only start a subscription for the model. The subscription covers ALL cost (so it is an Extended model compared to Leasing) 


Very intersting model from VOLVO, it sounds nearly the same like SIXT does. You can "rent" a car for longer period with everything included except gas. Its also the same as leasing but with ALL costs included.

Replied : 08/04/2020 8:18 am