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hacking autonomous vehicles?

3 Replies
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Héctor Gerardo Chiacchiarini
Replies: 9
Topic starter

Days ago we read about a simple hacking of autopilot using fake speed signs on the roadside.

We as human drivers have common sense to detect strange signs, or to estimate possible speed limits on a zone even if no signs are available.

How to build this "common sense" on an autopilot? 

Replied : 02/03/2020 6:21 pm
Jorge Avendano
Replies: 1
Member Admin
Posted by: @hectorgerardo

Days ago we read about a simple hacking of autopilot using fake speed signs on the roadside.

We as human drivers have common sense to detect strange signs, or to estimate possible speed limits on a zone even if no signs are available.

How to build this "common sense" on an autopilot? 

An expert system should be in charge of detecting this type of signals with preloaded safety routines. In addition, artificial intelligence should give the system the possibility to learn from new situations. Anyone else have an opinion?

Replied : 11/03/2020 9:03 am
Fernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto
Replies: 5



I´m not sure if we all have such widespread common sense. Partially I think that it is related to the feeling of responsibility we have as people. We fear the consequences of possible bad actions. That´s why I may drive faster than the limits, on a well-paved empty road, but wouldn´t do the same if there is a lot of people around.


I really do not know, now, how to bring it to a computer...


Replied : 11/03/2020 9:13 am