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Using visualization technology Renault can test design concepts without producing a physical model of a vehicle

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Jorge Martínez
Replies: 3
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Renault, a French automotive manufacturer, uses their CAVE™ to design vehicles in an immersive, high resolution environment. This superior image quality allows them to sit and drive in a virtual vehicle to see how it will look to the end user. Using visualization technology, Renault can test design concepts without producing a physical model of a vehicle. This saves the company significant amounts of time and money. "We see that every year at this time we save €2 million thanks to the CAVE, and probably much more in the next years," says Andras Kemeny, Head of the VR and Immersive Simulation Center at Renault.

Replied : 04/02/2021 9:13 pm
Pedro Orta
Replies: 3

In our 2nd ASCENT conference, we will have keynote speaker Javier Posselt from Groupe Renault. with title  Virtual reality and augmented reality techniques

Replied : 09/02/2021 10:34 pm