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Hydrogen / Fuel cell cars

3 Replies
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Markus Lengauer
Replies: 1
Topic starter

After years of discussions and research in very different fields of alternative mobility (BEV, synthetic fuels, LNG/CNG-driven cars, fuel cells etc.), it currently seems as if industry and politics made their decisions towards battery electric vehicles. Question is, if there is still a ecological and economical chance for fuel-cell driven cars, e.g. in the transportation sector.

Replied : 26/02/2020 4:48 am
Héctor Gerardo Chiacchiarini
Replies: 9

I personally belive thet FC cars will be definitively an option in the near future. The battle at high level is wether the energy will be provided by cables or by pipes to the world. And that has not been defined yet. Oil companies can migrate rather easily to H2 economy.

Regarding batteries, the circular economy for the batteries has not been solved yet. What to do with the used, degraded, batteries? A second life is possible as home energy storage, but later they need to be disposed. Who pays the reciclyng? is that already included in the costs of electric-hybrid vehicles? 

Replied : 02/03/2020 6:02 pm
Verena Wagenhofer
Replies: 1

Replied : 29/09/2020 2:10 am