Last seen: Mar 26, 2021
¡Muchas gracias @efrainrodriguezhernandez por compartir y compartir el artículo! Los enfoques de aprendizaje por proyectos creo que son una de las m...
@raulhdezs ¡Muchas gracias por compartir! No sabía de este recurso.
Hello Martin! Thank you for your contribution. It is good to think about our soft skills and make the exercise to grade the level of development of ea...
@claudiafussenecker I agree with you! In our context (we teach future educators) we observe the same: when students work with not peer "friends" they ...
Today, I want to share with you a resource that synthesis the 10 characteristics of successful engineers. You can find the source on Taking into ...
Recently, I found the publication of Hall, Cronk, Brackin, Barker and Crittenden from the Lousiana Tech University and the Rose Hulman Institute of Te...