Conference Topics

Conference Topics & Proceedings

The conference seeks stimulating and thought-provoking contributions with a view to sharing and extending knowledge, practice and techniques in the area of automotive engineering. In particular, the contributions should focus on how trends in automotive engineering can be harnessed in order to enhance energy efficiency, lightweight design and connectivity while taking collaboration and educational aspects into account. Conceptual, analytical and empirical papers as well as case studies are all welcome. Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Mobility Trends

  • electric vehicles (battery, powertrain)
  • autonomous vehicles
  • new mobility concepts
  • ultra-light vehicles
  • vehicle systems design (powertrain, suspension, safety)

Industry 4.0 in Automotive Engineering

  • internet of things/connected vehicles
  • virtual and augmented reality
  • collaborative robotics
  • digital manufacturing
  • big data
  • cost models for industry 4.0

Engineering Education

  • emerging technologies in education
  • industry-academia collaboration for engineering education
  • project management
  • soft skills for engineers