Call for Papers

Call for Papers

We invite academic professors, lecturers, students as well as experts from the industry and other relevant stakeholders to submit full papers related to trends & challenges in automotive engineering in various areas including social sciences, science, and technology.

The deadline for abstracts is November 20th, 2020, please submit to
Please submit your full paper, professional paper or case study until January 17th, 2021 to

Submissions are accepted in English only. The 2nd ASCENT Conference encourages the submission of proposals in form of full papers. Submissions will not be considered for review if authors fail to adhere to the conference guidelines (e.g. format, the number of words required, components, etc.). For professional papers (demonstrate students´ expertise in the applicaton of problem solving techniques and research) or case studies, authors can adapt to fit the guidelines as much as possible. Authors of full paper need to add an abstract and upload a PDF file for submission.

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and authors will receive feedback from the organizer as soon as possible but not later than by December 11th, 2020.

All papers will be peer-reviewed and authors will receive feedback from the organizer as soon as possible but not later than by February 12th, 2021.

The final version of papers and case studies needs to be submitted not later than February 7th, 2021.

All final papers and case studies will be published in the on-line conference proceedings with ISBN at the conference webpage.
Unless otherwise noted the pubication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Guidelines with respect to the online presentation of papers and the user-guide for the online-meeting platform are made available on time!

What is a professional paper? The purpose of the professional paper is to demonstrate the student’s expertise in the application of problem-solving techniques and research, generally used by professionals in their chosen field of endeavor, to resolve a practical problem.