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ASCENT Joint Publication and Good Pactices for Automotive Engineering and Sales Management Strategies
1 11 downloads
Key-Note , Jose Zozaya & Clelia Hernandez – Status Quo of Automotive Industry in MX and its relationship with the industry
1 10 downloads
Conference-Video “SAE Competitions” (Full Paper Presentations)
1 12 downloads
Conference-Video “Future Mobility II” (Full Paper Presentation)
1 6 downloads
Conference-Video “Future Mobility I” (Full Paper Presentations)
1 11 downloads
Conference-Video “Engineering Education” (Full Paper Presentations)
1 5 downloads
Key-Note Javier Posselt, PhD – Virtual Reality & Augumented Reality Techniques
1 9 downloads
Key-Note Dr. Jungmeier – Climate-Friendly Lifestyles and Mobility
1 10 downloads
Key-Note Dr. Knoflacher – Human Evolution & Mobility
1 11 downloads
ASCENT Network Poster
1 46 downloads
ASCENT Conference Proceedings
1 85 downloads
ASCENT Promotional Material (Roll-Up)
1 6 downloads